Edward the Steampunk Gentleman

Edward (1)

This is Edward, one of my littlest sister’s absolute best friends. I hear so much about him I decided I should draw him…that, and he has great eyebrows.

Here are a couple of progress shots:



He loves gadgets and technical things no one else is smart enough to understand…so don’t ask me what that thing is he’s holding. It started out as a telescope, I suppose now it’s still a telescope…just with a lot of extra features.

Here’s the almost final version before Photoshop tweaking:


And here is the final product!:


Edward’s outfit is based on this and other early 19th century outfits from an excellent costume reference book called “What People Wore:”


I should have done a little more research on cravats though. Apparently there were dozens of different cravat knots with as many variations, all for different occasions, or to send a different message. I guess Edward’s says, “I’ve been too busy with this telescope to bother with a proper cravat!”

The boy who must not be named…

Sometimes I like to sketch people from Facebook, anyone is fair game (watch out, you could be next!).  Last week I did this sketch of one of Sala’s friends:


I liked how it turned out, so like any good sister would  do, I turned Sala’s friend into a Slytherin from Hogwarts casting an illegal spell.


The one on top is more saturated and higher contrast, the one below is duller.  I’m not sure which version I like better so I included them both.


Oh, and in case you were wondering, the core of his wand is the heartstring of a teenage girl 😛