Shantell Tedjamulia

Archive for September, 2012


Friday, September 28th, 2012

It’s been far too long since I’ve touched this blog.  So just to prove I have been doing artwork I thought I’d post a few sketches from the last few months. I’ve also started a couple of paintings, but I’ve found it difficult to finish anything between moving to a new house that needs a lot of work, pregnancy, and having a two year old who’s decided he no longer needs a nap time…

These guys are characters from stories I like to pretend I’ll write some day…ArickeyboyrecliningdragonwarriorScientistElfman

The rhino is for a children’s alphabet app Eric and I are thinking of creating for Windows 8.

Rhino Reading in a Rocking Chair

And this is a stump.  I like it.
