I have a great and top secret idea for a witchy illustration which I will hopefully paint some time… In the mean time here are a few witchy sketches you might enjoy.
Also, my mom decided to make a website to showcase and sell her costumes (thecostumewitch.com coming soon). It seemed apparent that she would need a witch illustration to act as her website persona. Here’s the character we came up with, she likes to sew…
Tags: costume witch, witch
September 12th, 2011 at 6:44 pm
The measuring tape around the hat is a gem. I hope her business finds success!
October 4th, 2011 at 3:44 pm
Very cool. Tell your mom I’d love to add a button on to my blog. Also would you like to add a button on to my website’s blog? Let me know. I’d love to help promote your site any way I can. You’re very talented and don’t you forget it!
October 11th, 2011 at 5:15 pm
LOVE it! What a lucky lady your mom is to have a talented daughter like you to help her out!