Shantell Tedjamulia

Posts Tagged ‘Fantasy’


Monday, February 6th, 2012

This is a head painting of another friend of Sala’s, the lovely Rachelle.  I actually had her dress up for me over Christmas break and we had a photo shoot.


I did a basic pencil sketch to start out with then scanned it into the computer to paint it digitally.












This was just supposed to be another study, but I was having so much fun that I ended up creating a mostly finished painting.  She reminds me a bit of Maid Marian so if I were to name this piece it would be “Dreams of Sherwood.”


Here are some close ups, I’m rather pleased with the clasp design I created:



Sometime I may come back to this piece and refine the border on her hood,  but I’m happy with it for now.  Thanks for posing for me Rachelle!

Digital Portrait

Sunday, May 29th, 2011

I’ve been working on this picture of my lovely little sister off and on for about a year and I finally decided to just sit down and finish it up for her birthday.  After several late nights it’s finally done!!! (for now…I’ll probably refine it someday) It’s the first digital portrait I’ve attempted and I learned so much in the process.  Hopefully my next piece won’t take nearly as long.  I’ll do a post about the evolution of this picture later, but for now I just want to post it and say HURRAH!